torsdag 18 oktober 2007


Jag vet att jag suger på att uppdatera min blogg, men det är så jobbigt XD

Jaja, eftersom jag är så lat, så ger jag er min egelska uppsats. Enjoy...not .

Roald Dahl – Charlie and the chocolate factory

Imagine a place where you can have everything you ever dreamed off – entirely made out of confectionery. Imagine an enormous waterfall with the loveliest chocolate in it, the greenest grass made out of spinned sugar, and fruits and berries so sweet and colourful that you could almost believe that they were sent from heaven. Take a step into Roald Dahl’s classic child novel, and imagination becomes reality.

As in any other heartbreaking child novel, the main character is a good-hearted, delightful person, which always thinks positive no matter how hard life seems to be and never acts wrongly in any situation. This time, the name of this enchanting person, is poor Charlie Bucket. He lives with his mother and father, and all of his grandparents in a small, demolished cottage. When his father looses his job, the family goes from poor to poorer, and their tummies from hungry to starving. At the same time, the founder and owner of Wonka’s chocolate factory, Mr. Willy Wonka, decides that after innumerable years of having his factory closed, to let five children enter it and give them a tour around.

After reading this book, I was thorn apart how I felt about it. I even considered reading it again, to see if I had missed something that would change my mind, or at least make it straight. I didn’t know whether I liked it or not, thought that is was happy or sad, even funny or boring. So, I watched the film, directed by Tim Burton, to see what that would do to my mind.

For those who have seen the film, knows that there isn’t any lack of colour. In almost every scene, you can find at least a hundred different shades, but still that’s nothing compared to reading the book and using your own imagination. And it was by that time, when I found out that even not my favourite director could create what I just had read, that I understood what I really was suppose to make my mind up about.

After giving the book not just one or two thoughts, but long and heavily thinking, I decided that I thought the book wasn’t good, but great. Dahl describes so well that people can’t recreate it in the real world; he writes so good that he will make you cry and laugh at the very same time. The reason why I couldn’t decide whether I thought it was funny or boring was simply because it’s both. There’s a fine line between those two, and he have managed to hold on to it from the beginning until the end.

Roald Dahl was born in Llandaff, Great Britain, in 1916. He grew up with is mother after that his sister and father both passed away. During the war he served as a pilot in the Royal Air force. After being injured twice, he was moved to the embassy of Washington, and it was there where he wrote his first novels, which were published in the newspaper, Saturday Evening Post. Roald Dahl has written many books which have become famous, for example James and the giant peach, Matilda and The Witches.

My favourite thing about the book was that Roald Dahl has no boundaries when it comes to making things up. He can write so bizarre and crazy that you can’t believe how he can make these things up, and make it seem like the most natural thing in the whole world. I am most fascinated about how he writes about the different machines there are in the Wonka factory. How he came up with the whole idea of them, describing how they work and the fascinating results that they give. All the different characters and profiles of the children were tremendous too.

If you want a real fable, not some new crappy stuff, but a real story to come back to time after time, this is the book for you. There is always something new to love, and details to discover. To give new readers a small tip, have a chocolate bar beside you while reading. You will need it, trust me. While feeling that you can’t lay the book down because that it is so exciting, you feel that you will be going crazy if you don’t get to feel that revelling taste of chocolate at that very moment.

Even through the fact that I’m not sure where the teaching wisdom is to find, you can at least learn one thing. Dreams can come true.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

riktigt bra ju :O

Maw sa...

Den låg mellan g och vg -.-'